Here are some of my favourites;

Fold it in half lengthways with the Queens face on the outside,
Open that up and fold each edge into the middle,
In the July magazine there was a pattern and instructions to make this little origami needle case.
I cut up the fabric I had left over from a Boden top I bought from a charity shop a while back to make these cases.
Those partylite candles smell divine, the little heart smells wonderful and the beautiful pouch is full of handmade greeting cards.
This hand crafted card made me gasp, it is soooo beautiful and I don't think I will take it down again. Thank you so much my lovely!
Another parcel received recently was from lovely Vicki. She send me these scraps from a bunting project she was working on, I had been lusting over the fabric she was using and she kept these off cuts and sent them to me. Thanks again Vicki, I have already started trimming them up and I will find a good use for them soon I promise.
I received a little thank you card from another lovely, Karen, and she included some fab polka dot ribbon and brooch backs for me. I can’t wait to find a use for this ribbon its beautiful ~ thanks! The brooch backs were used immediately as I was in need of some, I will show you what in a day or so once the glue is dry!