I was delighted when I came across these magazines in my local charity shop recently.
I found three of them at first and on further digging found all 75 issues.
Mrs Rowley, whose name is delicately scrawled in pencil on the back of each one, must have taken very good care of these.
look at the face on her!
Golden Hands was published by Marshall Cavendish in the 1970's (75 parts) and ran for about 2 years with many part and re issues.
knitted wedding coat anyone?
The magazine featured a wide range of handicrafts including knitting, sewing, embroidery, crochet, macrame, tatting, beading, patchwork, fashion and home crafts. Each edition contained a series of patterns for clothes, soft furnishings and novelty items.
I just love these! I spent hours pouring through these I have flagged up lots of things I want to make, it's odd that even though this magazine is as old as me (37 years old) there are lots of makes and items that are just as relevant today.
I want to make all of these!
Yay hexies!

Mrs Rowley must have made someone this little spooky towelling rabbit as she left her pattern in here.
Many of the items are VERY 70's and I love them loads, check these out:
quilt your sexy man a waistcoat?
holy cow! Right, I'm off to knit myself a 1970's purple pantygirdle!
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