I am sure it's something to do with the fact that you can sit and knit or crochet in front of the TV whilst being with the family and making relatively little noise. Machine sewing takes me away from everyone with my machine going ninety to the dozen it is not great for conversations.
I have been doing some hand sewing over the Christmas break, I was between knitting projects and picked up my hexie tin.

Each time I recieve some fabric from swaps and friends, I snip a row of it off and add it to my hexie tin. This means that the fabrics I use to make up a cushion will have nice people sewn into it too. When I look at the individual hexies I can remember where the fabric was from and the person or project connected with it, which adds another dimension to the finished article. This will be another cushion when I get back to it.
Back to knitting; if you are a knitter you will know all about Ravelry, if you are new to knitting and crochet you might not, so pop over and check them out, there is loads of help and patterns there for all levels of experience and I have found it a great resource. Just recently I was inspired by the lovely Lynda - Hookin with LaaLaa to join the 'Crochet a Long ~ Block a Month 2011' on Ravelry with the purpose of making a block each month and at the end of the year joining them all up to make a blanket. So this is what has just fallen off my hook, it's a mess and it's very wonky, I am sure I missed stitches somewhere or perhaps even added extra, but it will do for a filler square ~ I will try harder for the 12" version (as my Nanna would say "a blind man on a fast horse won't notice it"):
I am a novice knitter, I was taught to knit as a girl but never persued it and now I wish I had; but like the crochet I am practicing and teaching myself as I go. I have been buying this magazine for a few months now and have eventually given in and subscribed as I would be gutted to miss an issue, it's been an invaluable help to me.
There is at least one thing I want to make from this mag each month and usually do, remember the big chunky cable scarves, they were from this mag.

I did tackle a knitted purse from a previous magazine which came with a free purse frame, it turned out nice but was such a pain to do, I will show you that later this week.
Oohh, can I ask you seasoned knitting and crochet ladies, how do you store your yarns? Mine is taking over the house and it's so bulky I don't quite know what to do with it. It's current home is stashed in multiple carrier bags behind the couch, under the bed and wherever I find a crevice~ this can't be the best method???
p.s. don't forget my little Stitch giveaway, it closes on Friday.
~ ♥ Back Soon ♥ ~
Ooooh those little hearts are gorgeous - been looking for a pattern for hearts - shall look out for that mag.
I have a small yarn stash now that fits nicely in a basket as my main focus is sewing and I buy yarn only by the project now. I used to store it in a big plastic bin with a lid. Now that stores odd pieces of fabric.
I love the sweater on the mag cover (though if I make it I am sure it will look like something out of a "How not to knit" cartoon :)
I think your square looks just fine! And your hexie tin made me smile. I don't have the patience to do hexies, but I do adore them.
Love the heart, now how about you do a littlke tutorial and pop the pattern on here ;o)
I've been meaning to try a heart for a while!
B xxx
Loving your version of the heart, more rustique and easier to sew together.
Don't do a lot of knitting, hopless following patterns, I make 'em as I go along LOL!
I must admit though to having quite a stash of yarn......
Sandie xx
What a lovely idea for the hexagons- i may start something like this.
I wish I could knit-the heart is lovely and the welly socks in the magazine look good!
What lovely makes - your little hearts are lovely! I love the colours of your crochet square. I am a very novice knitter and keep promising myself I will learn properly - crochet too - so your post has spurred me on to have another go. Now where did I put those needles?... xx
I absolutely adore the hexagon patchwork. I keep scrolling up to gaze at it again in a slightly bonkers way!
I love your quilt!! Such a great idea!!
love your patchwork sewing all the swapsie fabrics into it- how lovely...;0)
i still keep wanting to crochet, but still never get round to it, must do this year x
Dont hide the wool away, use it as a colourful display!!!!! Surely there must be somewhere thats crying out for a splash of colour? A glass fronted cupboard? On top of a copboard? In an exceptionally large box frame? On a shelf? Stuffed in vases?
Thats what I intend to do anyway. My plastic bags are bio degrading so when I go to pick up said bag of wool the handles snap and the wool flies everywhere! x
Your square looks gorgeous, honey! Did you use natural fibres? If so, just block it and it will be perfectly square. If you want advice on how to block, I'll email it to you. My stash is now in large, lidded stationery storage boxes in the bottom of the wardrobe in the spare room. However, it is growing and I'm afraid it will soon fill the wardrobe! xxx
Square looks lovely and agree with LaaLaa - a good blocking solves many a wonky edge!
I have a fair stash and I've taken to vac packing them as yarn is Sooooo susceptible to moths and provided you only bag them up in one layer I can always find what I want. I get my bags from my local Poundland - some need the vacuum to shrink and store and others you can just roll and then pop in the bottom of a wardrobe/cupboard.
I really like your hexie tin and the idea that the fabric has lots of little reminders too!
That patchwork is a work of art. xxx
Your hexies are gorgeous and it's so lovely that each one means something to you :)
Loooooooooove those hearts!!!!!
Em xxxxxxxxxx
I love your patchwork, it's really beautiful - I'd love to do something like that but I prefer to knit. I keep my yarn in a variety of plastic crates. I find the big round ones with rope handles (like an oversized bucket) are really good.
Ooh the hearts are lovely! Glad the bows came in useful - the shop I got them from has giant bags of similar things on sale all the time. I'll see what else they've got next time I'm there :)
Re the storage thing, could you get a big wicker laundry bin or similar and stash it all in there?
Thank you for the links! My knitting is very holey, could do with some good hints and tips (:
The hearts are great Kandi. I store my yarn in those pop up laundry bins from Primark and they store nicely in my craft room. I also bought a smaller mesh one to pop my current knitting project in with the pattern and extra yarn.
I'm trying to use up some of my wool, but it usually gets stored in a couple of those novelty Ikea cardboard boxes - only think is when I moved I realised they didnt fit in my new cupboard so they're handily piled in corner of spare room... :)
The story behind you patch work is really lovely! And those knitted hearts are amazing!!
ps I am loving your photo editing - really good! What are you using??
What a lovely idea with your hex's, something really special.
Thanks Kandi! I love that name even though it not real, mind you I'm Carolyn and my middle name is Annie! I did my monthly make badge using a package but will go and see picnic as I have been admiring your photos! Ta chuck xx
The patchwork hexies are so beautiful. How special that they are from all different people!
Cute hearts.
Kandi thanks for the Ravelry link - I've been meaning to sign up for ages and have just done it. Have you see this website for free knitting and crocheting patterns - it's one of my favourites. http://www.garnstudio.com/index_lang.php
I store my wool in a bag that my duvet came in if that's any help. Jaqui x
I always want to learn to knit and sew, but I just am too busy all the time! Sigh, hopefully when I finish my university and get a real house it will go easier. Anyhow, you're doing real good for a begginer!
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