Well its been a rough couple of weeks, I have been taking medication that has left me feeling like a dizzy zombie and I have had zero energy for a couple of weeks now. As a result I have not been making anything, I have been getting home from work, cooking, and collapsing on the couch until bedtime.
One thing I have been able to do is crochet, it requires little effort on my part and my bum does not have to leave the couch, so that is what I have been pottering on with.
Remember on holiday whey I taught myself to crochet, well I wanted to do a round cushion and came up with this:
It looks all well and good until you look closer; I followed instruction on how to crochet in the round and kind of made the pattern up as I went along really as the instructions ended at the third row. I guessed at how to increase, as a result it came out wrong.
Have a look at the extra bit, I would have to fold it over to make it into a true circle and that is just no good.
Goodness only knows what I am going to do with this, perhaps a mini blanket for the cat, I'm sure she will be quite happy with the wonkyness?!?!
I have since followed instructions on how to do this properly and I have produced this:

I am much happier with this one it is actually round. I am not terribly happy with the seam that appears in there, I must be doing something wrong when I start a new row each time I will have to look into this but for now I am quite pleased with it.
Here is my dodgy seam:

I followed Lucy's pattern from
Attic24 that the lovely
Amanda guided me to (thanks Lucy and Amanda). I am rather pleased with my shell edging though and I found these little round duck feather cushions at Dunelm Mill last week which will be perfect for this job. So here it is all done and dusted and I plan for this to live on my bed.
Once I get my energy back and some inspiration I might start on a crochet throw for the bottom of my bed, I love them but I think it might be too big an undertaking for me, perhaps granny squares might be the way to go... watch this space.
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