Friday 18 June 2010

Not Much Time for Sewing…

I have had an odd couple of weeks for sewing, things have been so hectic at work that I am getting in exhausted and finding it hard to find the time to get the sewing machine out, so last weekend I had to cram everything in that I wanted to do.
I have been craving sewing, isn’t that mad? I have been mending and altering clothes and bags so I feel like I have not really been creating anything.

In order to get my fix last weekend I made a makeup bag for my giveaway (and a spare one) in CK fabric, you know how I like to re-cycle stuff well I lined the bags with a Tesco Tea Towel.

This was such a pain to make as I was having an off day.
I snapped three needles (note to self, you can not sew through the metal part of a zip ~ I did this twice!!!), had to unpick a wonky seam and had to unpick one side of a zip sewn too close to the teeth! I added some beads to the zip pull and was too heavy handed with the pliers and smashed two little glass beads and had to take the loop off and start again from scratch. Aaaarrrggghhhhh!

I was so fed up, but I did persevere … see how much I love you guys?

As I had a couple of scraps left I made these simple greeting cards by sewing the material to the card with a zig zag stitch, and adding a little heart button.

This week I also made a very boring plain cotton cover for the extra seat cushion on mum’s chair (to raise her up whilst her poorly leg is mending), as it took me hours to do (it was huge!) I feel I need to post a picture even though it is totally uninspiring; however, she was delighted with it:

As the CK fabric has all but run out I will be forcing myself to make something different, watch this CK free space…

~ ♥ Back Soon ♥ ~


  1. ooh those are so girlie and pretty!!

  2. Well if that's you, struggling to get things done, I can't wait to see what happens when you're at full pelt! I bet your Mum loves her cushion..hope she's feeling better. Thank you so much for putting my button on your sidebar. I've had 7 website hits from it! Lots of love Amanda xxx p.s. Did I tell you...I still can't do the wretched button linky thing!!!! GRRrrr

  3. You are so clever, Kandi and evidently blessed with the patience of a saint. If I'd have had that much sewing trauma the result would be screwed up in the bin with the sewing machine dumped on top.
    Note to self: put an order in for one of those cushions when I get the other hip done!

  4. Wow! I am a bit scared of my sewing machines so I am very impressed with your lovely makes!

    You are a clever girl! xx

  5. You'd never know that you had all that trouble making it - it's gorgeous.

  6. I'm gald I'm not the only one who has nightmare projects. I have been known to call mine some dreadful names at times.

  7. Great makes Kandi - the little make-up bags are gorgeous. I broke a needle today (my favourite size one so was gutted) doing the exact same thing with a zip and my sewing machine (i.e. trying to sew through the teeth) - also had to unpick a seam. I gave up in the end and went into the garden to pull weeds out and dig holes - a good release of moodiness!

    Clearly you're a lot more patient than I am (but my garden's quite glad I have a short fuse when it comes to broken needles....)
    Lucy x (formerly Beach Hut - had to change my blog address - you may need to check you're still following?)

  8. aw hun Im glad its not just be who shouts at her machine like when I tried making that make up bag (and failed!) lovley profile pic by the way, I must get mine up- trouble is its hard to find a decent one of me! x

  9. I just hate it when you have days like that so sympathies from me! Your little bags are really lovely. I made a little pink spotty zippered pouch today and embellished it with some ric rack, cotton lace and a few buttons. I nearly wrecked it by ironing it and the ric rack nearly melted, argh!

  10. You're makes look fab......I still haven't used my machine yet. Just waiting for the right moment, whenever that is I don't know.

    I know what you mean about craving sewing, I get like that with making cards. I get round it by crocheting when relaxing at night whilst the OH is watching endless football, I feel good that I've created something at least.

    Though I try not to do too close to bed or I dream in stitches......very bizarre xx

  11. You know, I've had those days when nothing I sew is easy. Unpicking, tension issue, you name it. When that happens, I stop sewing because I don't like to sew when I feel ugly.

  12. Wow your stuff is just gorgeous, and I'm glad to see someone else adores Cath Kidston kitsch! :)
