Sunday 20 June 2010

Little gifts of kindness and Happy Fathers Day ♥

These last couple of weeks I have received several packages in the post which made my day. It is amazing how something as little as a handwritten note can cheer me up, but I did so much better than that.

Look what arrived this morning from the lovely and talented Tina:

Those partylite candles smell divine, the little heart smells wonderful and the beautiful pouch is full of handmade greeting cards.

This hand crafted card made me gasp, it is soooo beautiful and I don't think I will take it down again. Thank you so much my lovely!

Another parcel received recently was from lovely Vicki. She send me these scraps from a bunting project she was working on, I had been lusting over the fabric she was using and she kept these off cuts and sent them to me. Thanks again Vicki, I have already started trimming them up and I will find a good use for them soon I promise.

I received a little thank you card from another lovely, Karen, and she included some fab polka dot ribbon and brooch backs for me. I can’t wait to find a use for this ribbon its beautiful ~ thanks! The brooch backs were used immediately as I was in need of some, I will show you what in a day or so once the glue is dry!

I feel so spoiled, it's like having a birthday every couple of weeks. Blogging has been such a wonderful experience for me, making friends with likeminded people!

Totally unrelated to sewing but due to the special day, I just had to say Happy Fathers Day to my lovely husband who is a fabulous father to his two boys and a fabulous step father to my two boys, he is everything a father should be and the kids are so blessed to have him in their lives. I would also like to say happy fathers day to my ex husband, who is a great dad to my two boys and they love him to bits.

~ ♥ Back Soon ♥ ~


  1. You lucky bunny - what generous bloggy gifts. The blogging community is so kind and clever! Happy fathers' day to all the daddies, L xox

  2. Hi kandi - thanks for your message on my blog - sorry that the change of blog address messed up my links. I'll have to try and message followers and tell them! Long day ahead.... :o) L xox

  3. What lovely gifts. I have only been blogging for two weeks and already I can see how thoughtful and kind you all are.

    Hope you have a lovely Fathers Day.

    Kerry xxxx

  4. How beautiful and thoughtful. Such a nice happy post on a lovely sunny day!

  5. Aw thanks for the mention honey and i'm glad you liked my bundle - the candles become addictive you have been warned :-) x x

  6. Oh this really made me smile. What a fab set of presents to have received.

  7. Gorgeous gifts, can't wait to see what you make with the fabric & ribbon x

  8. What wonderful little gifts to recieve. x

  9. Such lovely things to receive! Bet they put a big smile on your face!

  10. Hello!
    I just discovered your blog and I love it. I've added it to my list on my blog:
    You're a great source of inspiration! thank you!

  11. Hi Kandi,

    What fabulous packages! I have just started to get back into blogging more often (the 1st 6 montsh of this year have flown by in a blur!). I forgot how wonderful it was when you get lovely gifts from fellow bloggers :-)

    Have a great week!

    Rose X
