Thursday 17 June 2010

~ ♥ Pay it Forward ♥ ~

I joined this from Crafty Helen @ Home's Blog.
The idea is that random acts of kindness are given without expecting anything in return. Just passing on the kindness, hoping that your recipients will do the same and forming a never ending chain of kindness.

I promise to make and send a gift to the first 3 friends who comment on this post requesting to join in and promising to Pay it Forward to 3 other people.

I don't know what the gifts will be but promise to send them within the next 365 days.

What you have to do in return is to promise to Pay it Forward by making the same announcement and promise on your blog.

I appreciate that there have been many other Pay It Forward posts recently
but hopefully there are three of you who would like to join in.

~♥ Back Soon ♥ ~


  1. Hi Kandi, I would love to join in with this.
    I always belive in what goes around comes around so I always love to help spread kindness :) and I promise to Pay It Forward to 3 others :)

  2. Hi Kandi

    I'd love to join in too - I'm a big fan of sending random parcels of fun to people!

  3. Hi Kandi

    I'd love to join in too, how lovely! The film 'Pay It Forward' always makes me cry, lol.

  4. Yeah! Thanks guys please email me your addresses and I will post you something in the next 365 days, hopefully sooner than 365 though! :)
    My email address is on the ways to contact me section on the right hand side.
    Kandi x

  5. lovely idea kandi. have you read the book? i think it's Way better than the film. x

  6. I love this idea and am in a similar set up somewhere else. It is such a lovely thing to do and wonderfully appreciated. x
