Wednesday 19 May 2010

Remember Yo-Yo’s?

Remember me getting carried away a couple of weeks ago and making a mountain of yo-yo’s? Well I have used a couple of them on a phone cover and I did sew a few together to make a brooch, and then I went a bit mad and attached lots of them together and attached a length of chain to each end and ended up with a Yo-Yo Necklace.

To be honest it’s not something I could wear, apart from anything it is not suitable for women with big boobs it kind of just sits there like a bib (I pulled it up as high as I could and stretched my neck up like a goose to take the photograph below)!

I think they are quite sweet and would look good against a plain high neck tee shirt, just not if it is filled out with big boobs.

Perhaps this will be unpicked and stitched to the front of a bag of some sort in the near future, watch this space.

Back Soon ♥

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