Tuesday 18 May 2010

More Lavender Mice

Following completion of my little red spotty mouse, my lovely friend spotted him and wanted one; but in colours that would match her lounge. Hunting through my stash I found some fabrics I thought would match to I set to making a couple more mice.

These are really quick and easy to do; I followed this simple guide on the All About You site.

They were all packed up and ready to go when I realised that I had forgotten to give them whiskers, so they got a last minute overhaul.

I was quite fond of these little fellas but they have gone to a good home; I promise to visit.

E.T.A. a few of you have enquired about the packaging, this is how I usually package my stuff up. I thought I would show you how it is usually done (the one above was taken apart and got rather crumpled up!), simple greaseproof paper cut to the size required and stitched by machine or hand with a little bit of ribbon added: see below, nice and easy, perfect fit and cheap (like me :) ) x

Back Soon ♥


  1. I love the packaging you've done, it really makes the gift look special. Is it just tissue paper hand sewn? Would love some information on how you did it!

  2. Awwww so cute. CB is the crafts beautiful forum. The reason I ask is I was sure you appeared on my suggested friends and thats the reason I could think of. x

  3. Nice packaging, cute mice! Lovely gift to receive.


  4. Louise - It is greaseproof paper from the kitchen cupboard! I usually sew it by machine in a zig zag stitch , I make little bags to the size of whatever it is I make. It's a little personal touch and its cheap (like me!)
    Nici - never been on the CB forum but I will hunt it out now.
    Kandi xx

  5. There gorgeous :) I love they way you package your items x

  6. Hi! These are sooo cute! I can;t get over how productive you are!!! Lots of love, Amanda xxx

  7. Hello again Lisa! Can't pick up your latest post! Is it just me? Love, Amanda xxx

  8. Sorry no it's me I scheduled it for tomorrow but it posted immediately so I fixed it. Sorry for any confusion.
    Kandi x

  9. Hi Lisa, Nicky (qwiksave) of Creative Flourishes here again, letting you know I have nominated you for a 'Beautiful Blogger Award' - see my post here:

  10. Love the little mice Kandi :) and what a clever packaging idea :)

  11. The greasproof paper is really effective! Might be stealing that idea! :) x

  12. Wow! that looks so great, really effective!
