Thursday 20 May 2010

Shabby Union Jack Coin Purses

I think I have become obsessed. I have a thing for union jack stuff at the minute.

I recently made some union jack makeup bags with fabric that started life as a pillowcase. Following this I made some union jack coin purses with some denim that started life as a skirt. Well this week I noticed one of my husband’s work shirts was looking a little frayed at the neck so I confiscated it, cut all the buttons off and used the light blue fabric to make some pastel union jack coin purses.

Amanda ~ recognise the spotty ribbon you kindly sent me?

After making these I made a little lavender heart to match because... well just because.

p.s. thanks for all the kind words regarding my Mum, I brought her home from hospital on Wednesday and she is healing really well and is looking much brighter already.

Back Soon ♥


  1. As always, utterly gorgeous things!

    I'd really love a sneaky peek at your workspace/crafty stash if you ever fancy posting pics of it.

  2. Just love them - would you be offended if I tried to make some too? I do not have a web shop, but sell at the odd local school fete etc. I have made a UJ heart before but not the purses. Thanks XX

  3. No not at all - make away!
    Alex - I was planning on posting a pic about where I sew tomorrow, it is actually all done and scheduled to post - you must be psychic!
    Kandi x

  4. They are beautiful Kandi! Can't wait to see the pics of your workspace - it might guilt me into tied mine :-) x x

  5. These are great Kandi! My brother wants me to make a cushion cover in a similar way!

  6. Fab as always Kandi!

    Poppy x

  7. What great makes....really cool.

  8. Thanks for that - I will let you know how I get on (but I'm sure that they won't be a patch on yours).xx

  9. I like those lots :) Makes a change to see UJ's in pastels.

  10. Oh these are lovely! I'm glad the ribbon went to such very good use! Glad your Mum's on the mend...they're precious aren't they? Much love, Amanda xxx

  11. these are seriously adorable

  12. Fab makes as ever. Hearts are wonderfully sweet. x

  13. Thanks guys - I must admit I am loathe to part with these! A friend wants to buy one for her sister so I have to come up with a price ~ arghh I dreaded this bit.
    Kandi x

  14. They're gorgeous Kandi! I might have a go at making myself one one day - I'm bogged down with creative ideas at the moment. Lynda xxx

  15. Hi Kandi! Thanks for your kind words.
    I'm so glad to hear your Mum's doing well. If you need any advice re: recouperating from joint replacement ops, I'm your woman.

  16. love them! very clever - I am loving the UJ revival! xx
