Monday 29 October 2012

Last of the Montly Makes October

The last of the monthly makes for October include some great seasonal crafting.
I wont have the time to post after tonight so I want to pop in now with the last of the October updates.  You can see all of the wonderful makes HERE but I have shown a few below as a little taster...

Silvia has been busy making more pretty and unique altered tags.

Ali bee has re-vamped a filing cabinet and I want to amend the ones at work now!

My Tate Gallery has been creative and made this beautiful embroidered hoop.

Gill is ahead of the game with some great vintage Christmas Tag makes and bunting.

The ever talented Mags of Mags Creative Manderings has created a beautiful wall hanging and wrist warmers that I would love!

Twinkle Star has made a cosy fleece dotty car seat blanket for her soon to be born baby; exciting!

Jelly Jam has made the most amazing covered vintage suitcases, I truly love these.

I have not shown every item, there are 113 wonderful makes uploaded this month, I am so impressed that the makes are still coming thick and fast this far through the year.

Our wonderful Annie has set up the November Monthly Makes group HERE, pop over and join in. Our November admin is Sian from High in the Sky.

Back Soon.


  1. Some lovely makes,there are some clever people in blog land.Love Jill xx

  2. Wow, so many great items especially those suitcases! My Dalek didn't make it in! ;(

  3. Hi Lisa
    Just had to let you know my poppy arrived safely. I went to a vintage fair on Sunday and it was admired numerous times. Thanks again.

  4. Ooh, I love the hoop! Everything looks wonderful xxx

  5. Lovely projects! I especially love the crafting room hoop! :-)

  6. Fab makes again! Can't wait to see what November brings :)

    Hugs, Estelle xx

  7. I've been house sitting for a friend for half of this month and I can't wait to get back home and get stuck in to my November makes and have a good browse through all the October ones posted for inspiration!

  8. I am loving the tarted up cases. I'm inspired to do something with my huge collection. x

  9. Thanks Kandi for popping my suitcases on here!

  10. Thank you for sharing, it makes me just want to go and look about some more bloggies!!

  11. What a lot of clever people there are around and I've been lucky enough to be partnered in the Christmas Cracker Swap with the best!(Yes,Kandi, it's your lucky day - I'm your partner!!).

  12. I love those suitcases, beautiful.
