Tuesday 23 October 2012

I just want a bath...

Well, it's been three days without a bath or a shower in my house and I'm about fed up now.  The installation of my bathroom has coincided with me being a little bit poorly with 'womens problems' and following a minor procedure all I wanted to do was have a nice long soak in the bath and take to my bed with a hot water bottle, however my bathroom looks a bit like this...

My bathroom guy has promised that I will have a bath installed at some point today and I just can't wait to get in my own bath for a nice long soak. This is my current bathroom procedure


It is getting there slowly...

Hopefully in a week or so I will have a bathroom I can relax in and I will have the longest soak ever!

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  1. I feel for you, we have been without water here for a couple of days at a time and it is no joke! Enjoy your long soak when you get it.

  2. Had to laugh as it reminded me of when we moved, we had no bathroom at all for 2 weeks, we had to wash at the kitchen sink, before everything thing had been renovated, and it was grotty to say the least xx

  3. Aww hun it won`t be long and you will be enjoying a relaxing soak.

  4. Hopefully it will be up and running very soon. Hope you are feeling a lot better soon too. Sue x

  5. It'll be so worth it when it's finished. I can remember you repeatedly telling me that last year when mine was being done and you were so right! Plus, it's only two weeks until we can shop til we drop and put the crappy world to rights over an eggnog or two. xxxx

  6. Hope you feel better soon xx

  7. Oh after all the 'tweaking' I went through last year and early this year I can understand the need for a soak in the bath - hope you get one soon AND you feel better xx

  8. Oh no! no bathroom, I know how that feels, fingers crossed for a speedy fitting and hope you do enjoy your bath, it will be worth the wait for a brand new bathroom sweetie :)

    Bee happy x

  9. Oh poor you. Hope it's sorted and soon and that you feel yourself again. xx

  10. Oh you poor thing. Hopefully won't be too long now and it will be worth it xxx

  11. Oh you poor thing! Hopefully it'll all be done soon, you'll really appreciate it when it's all in place! We're getting a new bathroom soon and the in-between bit of not having anything is the bit i'm dreading! x

  12. You poor thing! Hope it's all installed and lovely for you very soon! x

  13. Oh no - no bath is the worst! But just keep thinking of your shiny new bathroom, all the possible accessories you could make/buy :-)

  14. Bet it will be fabulous when it is finished, but I do feel for you :( Sometimes a bath is just what you need.....hope it is finished soon x

  15. I do hope that you're on the mend. I'm sure that the new bathroom will be worth the hassle. XX

  16. "Been there, done that" you don't realise how much you need something till you haven't got it, never mind if you fancy a hike you can always pop down to mine lol, Lucey X PS Hope you're soon fit and well again. X

  17. I hope you manage to have a nice relaxing soak in a bath today!
    Maria x

  18. Oh goodness, poor you!!!!! Eeeeek, I remember when my bathroom was done! It was hell! Luckily I worked at a gym at that time, so I used to get in early to work and use the showers there!
    Oooh, and I've made something more for October if you'd like to check it out at all?!! http://kerenzaallin-garner.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/exterminate.html

  19. Thank you for visiting me the other day...love your sweet blog...and good luck with your bathroom...it will be wonderful I am sure.

  20. Oh poor you, I agree, there is nothing better than a soak in the bath! We went through that process about 6 years ago. The kids and I would visit the grandparents and have a shower, lol!

  21. I'm sure it will all be worth it when it's done, in the meantime my heart goes out to you, I love a long soak in my bath....
    Sue Xxx

  22. ooh poor you to be poorly while the work is going on. It will be worth it, enjoy it when it's finished xx

  23. Living with construction is a terrible hassle, but when the job is finished . . . you will have so much to appreciate :) We remodeled our kitchen ourselves, a few years ago. On HDTV it takes a weekend . . . it took us about 5 months. I was cooking in a microwave out on the back-porch (in the winter), but when the job was over, it was heaven. When your bathroom is finished . . .that hot bath is going to feel so good :)

    I have been enjoying going through some of your posts and they are delightful. I found you through mutual followers and I hope that you will become a mutual follower, too.
    Your new blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  24. Hang in there! and I hope you get that warm soak very soon!

  25. Hi Kandi, I am excited and delighted to have you as a follower. It will be fun sharing ideas and re-dos. I am looking very forward to seeing your finished bathroom.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Your newest blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  26. Hi Kandi, thanks for kind comments on my blog. Of course you can borrow the Ladybird suitcase pictures.
    Your bathroom photos have made me smile - so familiar.
