Monday 1 October 2012

A six month project

This make was just recently completed and frames, but I bought the kit in March from the Historical Sampler Company, with my friend's baby in mind. I had it professionally framed (I opted for no glass).

 This has been a pick up and put down project, it's not something I could work full time on.
   Teddies and rocking horses...
Ark and Duckies...
 Sophie's details with little bullion roses.

Well like a little swot on the first day of the month I'm gonna pop in and submit this as my October Monthly Make.

I know, it's a little bit of a cheat as I've obviously not made this today it has taken me 6 month on and off to complete.

  This month my lovely Annie's Monthly Make is being hosted by Joy at Perfect Little World, the Flickr group is now up and running so pop over HERE and join in if you fancy it, there is always loads of great inspiration there. 

Back soon.


  1. Absolutely gorgeous. I bet your fiend was really pleased. Sue x

  2. It looks incredible, and I think I would have chosen no glass as well, as you get to see the texture of the stitching :)

  3. A beautiful and stunning craft project. It's gorgeous, definately a family heirloom. Original and priceless.

  4. O wow Kandi, what a beautiful gift to treasure.

  5. Gorgeous - I love their kits xx

  6. Of course it counts! Such a lot of hard work has gone into that - I know how fiddly samplers can be.

  7. Im off to upload my makes xx What a lovely kit you made, really gorgeous xx

  8. This is so sweet! I love the addition of the tiny roses xxx

  9. That is so lovely, well done!

  10. Really pretty - what a lovely gift! (And what a goody-goody you are, getting in on the 1st of the month with your monthly make!!!) ;o)
    Maria x

  11. So sweet, I'm sure your friend will always treasure it. Best wishes, Pj x

  12. It's beautiful! The historical sampler company make the best kits!
