Monday 10 September 2012

A Busy Time Ahead ...

Well, almost a year ago now I decided that I need to put down the crochet hook / step away from the sewing machine and spend some time getting my house in order.

My home is in desperate need of decoration in many of the rooms, husband disagrees of course, but that's because he is a man and is not capable of seeing muck!

I have been making for gifts for friends and for my friend's baby who was born earlier this week *squeeee*, but now I am at the stage where I can concentrate on the house.

I am still planning to make a pretty crafty home this year (and probably every year), so there may be a little radio silence this end whilst I get up to my elbows in tile grout and paint!  If and when I have anything to show I will be sure to share it here.
My first priority is a new bathroom, our old bathroom is just about finished with so many bits that are not working, leaking or banging that for sanity's sake it needs a re-do!  I have a wonderful hubby who gives me free reign on all things decoration and house style, he totally does not get my style at all and thinks I am stuck in a timewarp, but at least I get my way.

I did show him the style of tiles and shower I fancy for the new bathroom, here they are:

he said, "Oh terrific, I see you are going for the Lunatic Asylum look!".

Yes, yes I am ...

Back Soon.

p.s. I was featured on cut out and keep a few days ago with my little hexie cushion tutorial.
There are ooodles of great tutorials on there if you are in need of inspiration, pop over and have a little look.


  1. Good luck with your home improvements. We've undergone a few changes so far this year, and also hope to replace our en-suite over the next couple of months. Love the shower - may have a look for one like that! XX

  2. It's going to be gorgeous when it's done honey! Just hold onto that thought. Then you can come and do my bedroom ;-). Can't wait to see it. The shower is lovely. Xx

  3. Had to laugh at your husband's assessment of the look you are going for! I think it is lovely though, look forward to seeing the results of all your labours.

  4. Hehehehe - that made me laugh! It'll look amazing though!
    Congrats on the feature!
    Maria x

  5. Good luck with your diy - personally I like the asylum look for a bathroom ;)

  6. Good luck with the new bathroom and thanks for the mention :) Hope it all works out for you!

    S x

  7. I love those tiles, I love the sink, I love the shower. I live on the site of an old asylum! Hee hee

    Can't wait to see the makeover!xx
