Monday 16 January 2012

Monthly Make January 2012

Well, now I'm mobile once again I have been sewing and turned my tapestry into a cushion.

I do love this, I bought the kit on a wonderful day out with my two friends Lynda and Beki, and I spent many hours chilled out over the Christmas period sewing this.  My back pain kicked in just after Christmas so this was a welcome 'sat still' distraction.

In total I think the tapestry took about 50-60 hours and it took about half an hour to turn it into a cushion.

I snaffled up some cotton duck in the Cath Kidston online sale and used that as my backing.

Generally when I make cushions I always add a zip and I have never made an envelope style cushion I thought it was a cop out for people scared of zips, but I'm a convert, it's just fine.

I did try a few variations and it seems a 4" overlap is what works best for me.  So simple to do, this will half the time it takes me to make any future cushions.

I would like to enter this as my Monthly Make for January 2012, I have popped a photo over in the Flickr file.

♥ Back Soon ♥ ~ 


  1. It looks amazing! I am definitely part of the envelope cushion because I'm too scared of zips group! Maybe this year I should try a zip or 2!

  2. Beautiful cushion!
    I never got the hang of sewing zips onto my cushions, so I use the envelope style too! I suppose you were the one that bought all the English Rose oil cloth in white ;)
    I managed to get it in green, so all good! Was it easy making the tapestry into a cushion?
    I have one on the go at the moment, (still a long way to go ATM)
    Jodi, OSB Xx

  3. Oh that is lovely and looks fab with all your others. I like how you have done the envelope style -hmm might need to pinch your idea xx

  4. Oh my word, it's beautiful! I wish I'd got one too now. I really love it. The cushion back looks great too. I never use zips in my cushions and if I do, I add it to the edge seem for ease. I prefer an envelope back. Your's is just gorgeous! xxx

  5. Wow this is incredible, such dedication.... it looks amazing! x

  6. Your tapestry is beautiful and what a great choice of CK fabric for the backing.

    Another enveloper here too - truth be known, I'm a zip virgin! ;-)


  7. Your cushion looks lovely. Good choice for your backing fabric.

    I wouldn't have a clue how to put a zip in. I would've gone with an envelope style too.

  8. This tapestry is Gorgeous, I loveee it. That would have taken me sooo long to do! The Cath backing fabric looks lovely too.

    Ashley xxx

  9. Well done you! 50-60 hours to make the tapestry cushion? gosh! but it's soo soo gorgeous i just love it! i love all of your cushions so lovely! i did bought the same cotton duck from CK sale, cant help it!

    x susan

  10. Lovely cushion :) I have a couple of tapestry kits knocking about and it hadn't occurred to me to make them up into cushions! Might have a go at this in future :)

  11. Your tapestry is very beautiful, well done!!!

    Barrina xx

  12. I would love to have a go at one of these kits. Is tapestry difficult? Are there lots of different stitches to learn or just one type? What would you recommend I do to learn?

    The cushion is gorgeoussss... I love it.

    Nicki xx

  13. Lovely cushion,hope your back is better now,and thank you again for the giveaway prezzies I received them today and love them.Love Jill xx

  14. My kind of flowers too!
    Very beautiful, all those hours!

    Well done!

    Sandie xx

  15. Fantastic monthly make. I quite like the look of envelope cushion backs. It's a great place to put a label. Well done you.

  16. Lovely cushion - the tapestry is beautiful.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  17. Fantastic makes, the tapestry looks beautiful and I love the fabric on the back x

  18. That is really beautiful and so pretty. dee x

  19. Love these cushions - good tip about the envelope size- I've never sewed a zip before, so this sounds easier!
    Have a fab week.

  20. LOve, love, love your blog.
    I’m following and know I will learn much from you.
    So talented.
