Sunday 11 September 2011

Gifts Made, Given and not Given ...

First up I would like to share something I made last week from Issue 4 of Mollie Makes. 

My lovely friend and I were perusing this issue and she looked longingly at these and said, Ohhh I wish I could crochet I love these (she did the doe eyes too), I quickly set to and came up with these, Mary go Rounds.  I made them for her whilst she was on holiday and handed them over yesterday.


I could fancy some of these myself and will need to make time to make some, just need some more plastic bangles from the pound shop first.
Said friend also had crochet on the mind whilst on holiday and bought me this beautiful hand crochet cushion from Greece, it's just perfect and sooo pretty I love it.

It will obviously have to live on my bed to keep the boys grubby mits off it!

In other news my eldest started college last week in Durham City, which now gives me the perfect excuse to spend time in my beautiful hometown.  

 Picture from

I don't often get the chance to visit Durham so I spent a while showing my boy the sights, best shortcuts and of course which pub is best to start the pub crawl from...

This trip afforded me the opportunity to drop in on a North East Jewellery Maker whom I follow on Twitter and have been in contact with, the lovely lady Laura the maker and owner behind Vintage Princess Jewellery.
I took a couple of snaps of her lovely setup.

I had intended just to browse but I couldn't almost immediately I spotted a beautiful necklace that I thought would make a beautiful Christmas present for one of my friends, so I bought it.

  The closer I got to home the more I loved it and so I kept it!  Isn't that terrible, but it was rather nice.  Laura has an online shop too, if you fancy a browse, beware though there is lots of things you will want!

Right I'm off to crack on with makes for the Autumn Swap, and I have an idea for a little giveaway soon.

~ ♥ Back Soon ♥ ~ 


  1. I fancy having a go at those bangle frames - just a matter of getting some cheapie bangles. Definately on my long term to make list.

    I have to confess to never having visited the north-east - again its something that needs sorting out.

  2. Lovely frames. I've got them on my to do list too and even have the bangles ready. They are one of the only two projects in all of the MM mags that I've actually wanted to make. xx

  3. Ive had the tut from lola nova on my sidebar for ages meaning to have a go at the mary go rounds, they are lovely - a little tip if you are into upcycling bangles can always be found at car boot sales for pennies :)

    Heather x

  4. Love the mary go rounds Kandi. Ihave to agree with LaaLaa about the MM projects. Its a nice mag to flick through tho. The jewellery stall looks wonderful and that set you purchased is beatiful. Very nice cushion too.
    Glad you got to visit your home city. Durham is beautiful and great for shopping (on a quiet day!)

  5. Lovely frames - will check out that web site for the jewelry - can't believe christmas will soon be upon us so I think I will start some shopping soon too.

  6. I came across this pattern a while back and bookmarked it but keep forgetting to buy cheap bangles. Will put it on my list now. :) Hope your day is great. Tammy

  7. I made some of those last year in sparkly yarn for Christmas tree decs .... like the ladies say the bangles can be bought dirt cheap in Wilkos or Pound shops. I like MM but they really are just rehashing what some peeps have been doing for years. Lovely cushion cover x

  8. You do realise that if I don't master crochet then.............well, I think you know what's coming ;o)
    Have just blitzed Jess' room and she has a pile of photos waiting to be framed.
    Gorg necklace, I would of kept it too!

    B xxx

  9. Lovely frames!they look so effective.xx

  10. Love those frames, very pretty.
    Durham is a lovely place, I haven't been there for a long time, i'll have to plan a visit.

  11. That cushion is effing gorgeous!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting for my Issue 4 to plop on my doorstep.

  12. those mary go rounds are amazing!

  13. what a great friend you are. Must try and find a mollie makes ,haven't manage to find one since issue 2.

  14. Love the frames, I bought some bangles to make them but never got round to it. They look fab with the Matroyshkas in them!

  15. Gorgeous necklace, no wonder you kept it!!

    Bee happy x

  16. Love those crochet frames - you are so talented at crochet

    I am just as bad as you - I bought a couple of blackboard hearts from Beki as presents but have had to keep one for myself - it's a female thing I think!

  17. They look fab, you are a clever so and so!

    I am off to peruse the vintage jewels site!

  18. I really wish i could crochet....and yes i'm doing the doe eyes too :-P

  19. Ooh i must give them a go, they look lovely! te he , love the gift you bought for your friend that never made it to her - you a brave to confess, most of us just keep and never tell lol

  20. So much loveliness! Really liked what you did with the pattern from Mollie Makes. =)

  21. Love those mary go rounds you make everything lok so easy. I was in Durham last week didn't know you come from there, I'm just down the raod, Lucey x

  22. I love the crochet Lisa. I've had a look at the jewellery website and see they have bunny necklaces, I think I might have to be tempted!

  23. Oh they are so adorable, I love the colors you used, and they are perfectly done, you have some talent, I bet your friend was very happy to receive them! Your blog is lovely and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  24. I love your little frames for the russian dolls they look amazing!!!

    You might be interested in my "make something" swap I'm organising:
